Title: Midwinters Regatta 2024
Date: March 9-10, 2024
Location: Lake Norman Yacht Club, Mooresville, North Carolina
Overview: The Midwinters Regatta, scheduled for March 9-10, 2024, promises to be a thrilling sailing event held at the picturesque Lake Norman Yacht Club in Mooresville, North Carolina. This event is set to attract sailing enthusiasts and competitors from various regions, offering an exciting blend of competitive racing and social activities.
Venue: Lake Norman Yacht Club, renowned for its excellent facilities and hospitable atmosphere, is the perfect setting for this regatta. The club’s location on the shores of Lake Norman provides an ideal backdrop for both competitive sailing and spectator enjoyment.
Racing and Activities: The regatta features a series of races across different classes, showcasing the skills of sailors in a competitive yet friendly environment. Alongside the racing, the event includes social gatherings, allowing participants and guests to mingle, share their experiences, and enjoy the club’s amenities.
Registration and Information: Participants are encouraged to register early to secure their spot in this much-anticipated sailing event. For more details on the event schedule, registration process, and other information, visit the official website: Midwinters Regatta 2024.