Title: Harvest Moon Regatta 2024
Date: September 7-8, 2024
Location: Atwood Yacht Club, Sherrodsville, Ohio
Overview: The Harvest Moon Regatta, scheduled for September 7-8, 2024, is a celebrated sailing event hosted by the Atwood Yacht Club in Sherrodsville, Ohio. This regatta is known for its scenic setting and convivial atmosphere, attracting sailing enthusiasts from various regions to participate in a weekend of competitive racing and social festivities.
Venue: Atwood Yacht Club, located on the picturesque shores of Atwood Lake, provides a stunning backdrop for the regatta. The club is renowned for its welcoming community and excellent facilities, offering an ideal environment for both competitive sailing and leisure activities.
Racing and Activities: The regatta will feature a series of races across different sailing classes, providing a platform for sailors of all skill levels to demonstrate their abilities. Beyond the competition, the event is also a time for socializing and celebration, with various activities and gatherings that encapsulate the spirit of the sailing community.
Registration and Information: Sailors interested in participating in the Harvest Moon Regatta are encouraged to register through the event’s website. For more details on the event schedule, registration process, and other information, visit the official website: Harvest Moon Regatta 2024 at Atwood Yacht Club.
Contact Information: For additional information or specific inquiries, Rick Meyers can be contacted at [email protected].